Mahimaa and Viki Xavier have passed me the lemonade award. I am speechless and wordless now. Being a new blogger, I feel very enthusiastic and motivated. I am able to see the young girl in me jumping with happiness. Thanks much for remembering me and passing the award dears…
I would like to pass this award to Jaishree, AnuSriram, and Malar Gandhi..
Congrats! Thank you so much for passing it to me... I Feel Honoured!
congrats on the award dear... wishing you to get more and more in future also... happy blogging.
thanks for visiting and congrats on the award :)
you have a nice collection of recipes.. I love your moong dhal dosai and medhu vadai...
- Indhu (www.thayirsaadham.com)
congrats on winning the award
Oh thats so sweet of you, honey bun! Thanks for thinking my name, I am honoured. Btn its very refreshing too...Lemonade award...woooo!!!
Thanks everyone for the wishes..Your words mean so much to me..
Congrats on your first award and I know how thrilling it must be! We have all been there I guess. Enjoy it and have fun.
Yes Anu, You are right, you all people are there, I feel I am on top of world for each and every comment..Thanks for the wishes dear..
Congrats On your awards.Thanks for sharing with me I feel honoured:)wishing you to get more awards...
Congrats dear. U deserve it.
Love Enthaligai v.much...Happy blogging dear.
Thanks Viki..
congrats on ur award.wish u get more
Thanks Jeyashri Suresh (JS)..Your regular visit to my blog makes me very happy..
Hi Sri...congrats on ur award!
great job n welcome to the blogging world.:)
Congratulations on your first award :)
Thanks Navita and Meeso..
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